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Montana’s Capitol Christmas Tree arrives in D.C.


The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, cut down in the northwest corner of Montana, was delivered to the West Lawn of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Monday. On Wednesday, Dec. 6, Bozeman sixth-grader Ridley Brandmayr will help Sen. Jon Tester, as the senior member of Montana’s congressional delegation, light the tree in an official ceremony. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Art, music, food served up during Holiday ArtWalk


ArtWalk Downtown Billings, now in its 23rd season, is sponsoring the Holiday ArtWalk this Friday night from 5 to 9, at venues all over the downtown. The Holiday ArtWalk will include more than three dozen season-member and one-time-participant locations, each with a separate gallery page on ArtWalk’s new, mobile-friendly website, artwalkbillings.com. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Many hands help restore family heirloom quilt


Many dedicated hands and hearts working together: that’s what makes a quilt.

There are solo quilts that are masterpieces of patience, fabulous fabrics, profound concentration and talent. They are woven, ironed, sewed, appliqued and painstakingly pieced together, forming storyboards of singular artistic beauty. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Speaker sketches history of Latinos in U.S., Montana


Don’t blame Bridget Kevane if her talk on “Latino America, Latino Montana” was a little short on details. Kevane, associate dean for faculty affairs in the College of Letters and Science at Montana State University, addressed her very broad topic in just over an hour Thursday as part of the High Noon lecture series at the Western Heritage Center in downtown Billings. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Rudeboys food truck owner moves into Log Cabin Bakery

The Boys

Barely a month after the storied Log Cabin Bakery closed down, Rudeboys food truck operator Matt Melvin has moved in. His food truck, which included a mobile bakery, was comparatively large and well-designed, but in the old Log Cabin building at 2401 Second Ave. N., he’ll have 5,000 square feet between the basement and the ground floor, out of which he intends to operate a wholesale bakery, with a retail shop and cafe up front. (more…) Continue Reading →

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