Mary Sheehy Moe

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In the blink of an eye, it’s suddenly the Year of Lasts


Here’s the good part: They can do things on their own now. At somewhere around 18 months, my triplet grandchildren can eat enough during the day not to be wakened by hunger at night. And if they do awake, you can whip up a quick bottle, not even warm it up, and extend it somewhere in the vicinity of the crib. Two little hands will snatch it out of yours and pull it into the darkness and you can go back to bed. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: When ‘what if?’ becomes ‘when?’


A hush fell over the halls of Great Falls High School at 10 a.m. Wednesday, and in a high school teeming with over 1,000 adolescents, any hush is eerie. Over the loudspeaker the student body president announced that a moment of silence would be observed in memory of the slain students in Parkland and asked those students who wished to walk out of their classrooms and into the gym to observe it too. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: Fading memories of brotherly love


You used to think brotherly love was like the old muni pool — the Athletic or the Mitchell — enormous and all-inclusive, teeming with the bobbing lot of us, overlaid with a joyful din like a pie crust crimped at the edges with mothers’ clucking and pierced only by the shrill whistle of some teenaged lifeguard, glaring down imperiously from his elevated perch like an Egyptian sentinel, a towel draping his head and shoulders, zinc oxide making an isosceles triangle of his nose. He was scary to a 10-year-old, but even then, faintly ridiculous. You gaped at him, shrugged, and turned back to the joyful din. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Remembering Rodger, the vet who gave other vets hope


It’s a time of jarring incongruity. Outdoors, trees shiver in the summer heat. Dew dries at dawn. Everything is ripe and wilting. Indoors, vitriol and inanity drip from the airwaves as journalists breathlessly report the latest in the limbo contest that now passes for leadership in our nation’s capital. Continue Reading →

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Gone guys: Remembering a tragedy 50 years on


It’s beautiful, that stretch of highway between Great Falls and Glasgow. It doesn’t gob-smack you, like the Missions do outside St. Ignatius on Highway 93. It’s more like something you breathe in, mile after mile of highway yawning through gently rolling plains fringed with river flora and laced with creeks that dry up or freeze or gush as the season dictates. It has the exhilaration of limitless possibility in the summer, the desolation of an all-encompassing emptiness in the winter. Continue Reading →

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