Western Heritage Center kicks off new High Noon series


A look at the 60-year history of KULR8 TV will kick off the 2018 High Noon program series.

The Western Heritage Center will open its 2018 High Noon program series on Thursday, March 15, with a panel discussion commemorating the 60th anniversary of KULR8 TV.

The free program will start at noon at the Western Heritage Center, 2822 Montana Ave.

Starting as KGHL-TV in 1958, the station’s call letters switched to KULR-TV in 1963. KULR-8 joined KOOK-TV (now KTVQ) to offer a two-station market in Billings during the 1960s and 1970s.

The presentation, hosted byLynne Turner-Fitzgerald, will explore the changing world of television from the perspective of those working at the station, with panelists Chris Byers, Becky Hiller, Greg LaMotte and Virginia Smith.

Here’s a look at upcoming High Noon programs:

♦ April 19 at noon, “Jeannette Rankin — American Conscience,” presented by Mary Jane Bradbury.

♦ May 2 at 5:30 p.m. and May 3 at noon, “The Life and Times of Froggy Doo,” presented by Herb McAllister and Froggy Doo.

♦ May 9 at 5:30 p.m. and May 10 at noon, “UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Montana,” presented by Joan Bird.

♦ May 16 at 5:30 p.m. and May 17 at noon, “Gary Cooper: First, Last, and Always,” presented by Neal Lewing.

♦ May 23 at 5:30 p.m. and May 24 at noon, “Edy’s Grand Ice Cream: Sweet Treats with Magic City History,” presented by Tiffini Gallant.

♦ June 21 at noon, “The 1959 Yellowstone Earthquake,” presented by Larry Morris.

♦ June 28 at noon, “Cowboy Tales on the Eaton Trail in Yellowstone,” presented by Don W. DeJarnett.

♦ July 19 at noon, “Wild Resurrection: The Story of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness,” presented by Kris Prinzing and Teddy Roe.

♦ Aug. 16 at noon, “Canyon Village in Yellowstone: The Model for Mission 66,” presented by Lesley M. Gilmore.

♦  Sept. 20 at noon, “The Three Victims of the Third Degree: Billings’ Pre-Sedition Climate,” presented by Elisabeth DeGrenier. 

♦ Oct. 18 at noon, “Ready for Takeoff: Montana, World War I, and Aviation,” presented by Kate Hampton, Montana Historical Society community preservation coordinator.

♦ Nov. 15 at noon, ” Serving a Community: Parmly Billings Memorial Library during WWI,” presented by Gavin Woltjer, Billings Public Library director.

♦ Dec. 20 at noon, “Visualizing Conflict: Memory and the Great War,” presented by Dr. Jen Lynn.

For more information on the programs, visit the Western Heritage Center website.



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