The Western Heritage Center will open its 2018 High Noon program series on Thursday, March 15, with a panel discussion commemorating the 60th anniversary of KULR8 TV.
The free program will start at noon at the Western Heritage Center, 2822 Montana Ave.
Starting as KGHL-TV in 1958, the station’s call letters switched to KULR-TV in 1963. KULR-8 joined KOOK-TV (now KTVQ) to offer a two-station market in Billings during the 1960s and 1970s.
The presentation, hosted byLynne Turner-Fitzgerald, will explore the changing world of television from the perspective of those working at the station, with panelists Chris Byers, Becky Hiller, Greg LaMotte and Virginia Smith.
Here’s a look at upcoming High Noon programs:
♦ April 19 at noon, “Jeannette Rankin — American Conscience,” presented by Mary Jane Bradbury.
♦ May 2 at 5:30 p.m. and May 3 at noon, “The Life and Times of Froggy Doo,” presented by Herb McAllister and Froggy Doo.
♦ May 9 at 5:30 p.m. and May 10 at noon, “UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Montana,” presented by Joan Bird.
♦ May 16 at 5:30 p.m. and May 17 at noon, “Gary Cooper: First, Last, and Always,” presented by Neal Lewing.
♦ May 23 at 5:30 p.m. and May 24 at noon, “Edy’s Grand Ice Cream: Sweet Treats with Magic City History,” presented by Tiffini Gallant.
♦ June 21 at noon, “The 1959 Yellowstone Earthquake,” presented by Larry Morris.
♦ June 28 at noon, “Cowboy Tales on the Eaton Trail in Yellowstone,” presented by Don W. DeJarnett.
♦ July 19 at noon, “Wild Resurrection: The Story of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness,” presented by Kris Prinzing and Teddy Roe.
♦ Aug. 16 at noon, “Canyon Village in Yellowstone: The Model for Mission 66,” presented by Lesley M. Gilmore.
♦ Sept. 20 at noon, “The Three Victims of the Third Degree: Billings’ Pre-Sedition Climate,” presented by Elisabeth DeGrenier.
♦ Oct. 18 at noon, “Ready for Takeoff: Montana, World War I, and Aviation,” presented by Kate Hampton, Montana Historical Society community preservation coordinator.
♦ Nov. 15 at noon, ” Serving a Community: Parmly Billings Memorial Library during WWI,” presented by Gavin Woltjer, Billings Public Library director.
♦ Dec. 20 at noon, “Visualizing Conflict: Memory and the Great War,” presented by Dr. Jen Lynn.
For more information on the programs, visit the Western Heritage Center website.