Montana Ethic Project: The life-changing effects of faith


Joey and Libbie Early

Former Gov. Judy Martz talks about how finding faith changed her life.

This is the 16th chapter of the 32-part video series “The Montana Ethic Project.” This chapter features Judy Martz, a former governor of Montana and former Olympic speed skater, speaking on how she came to know the truth of the statement, “Trust in the Lord and He Will Direct Your Path.”

You can watch the whole video below. Here is how it begins:

“I’m thankful to be able to speak to you about how I believe the Lord changes hearts, lives and affects the people not only of Montana but of the entire world.

“I just want to share a few reasons why I believe God is so in charge of our lives. I’ll share a few of my experiences because when Jesus walked the earth, he spoke in parables.”

Here is another, edited excerpt from Martz’s presentation:

“Now I know everybody does not believe the way I do. But I do know this, if you believe somewhat the way I do, you will have peace in your heart. Peace that passes all understanding. I have known this. I was born and raised in a different religion. In that religion it was binding, but in Jesus Christ it is all freeing.

“He is in the business of giving us those tools that we need to live this life. I look back when I was on the Olympic team and I wish I really would have known him then. When I was speed skating I was excited because people knew who I was. I was an international athlete, an Olympian. It was somewhat important to me. It was important to have that acceptance from my family.

“My brother was an All-American football player. He led the nation in punting for small colleges. And I saw how my dad appreciated that and I wanted that appreciation as well. Well when I found the love of Jesus Christ I realized that I wasn’t really seeking the approval of my earthly dad, I was seeking the approval of my heavenly father.”

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First week: Project introduction.

Second week: Richard Drake on “Terrorism and the Consolation of History.”

Third week: Mike Gear on “The Value of Athletics.”

Fourth week: Franke Wilmer on “Gender Equity.”

Fifth week: Gordon Brittan on “The Founding Fathers.”

Sixth week: Jim Posewitz on “Montana Sportsmen and the Hunter’s Ethic.”

Seventh week: The Rev. Jessica Crist on “Religion and Politics: Can They Co-exist?”

Eighth week: Chuck Tooley on “The Montana Character.”

Ninth week: Steve Bullock on “Citizens United v. Montana.”

10th week: Carol Williams on “The Imperative for Female Government Participation.”

11th week: Bob Rowe on Technological Development.”

12th weekGeorge Metcalfe on “Economic Development in Africa and Its Relationship to Montana.”

13th weekBruce Smith on “Montana’s Food Economy.”

14th week: Peggy Beltrone on “Montana Wind Energy—Business and Politics.”

15th week: Mark Solon on “Creating an Intermountain West Startup Economy.”

16th week: Bill Yellowtail on “Futuring and Native Leadership.”

Next week: Bob Brown on “Teddy Roosevelt’s Shadow in Montana’s Big Sky.”




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