Montana Ethic Project: On technological development


Joey and Libbie Early

Bob Rowe speaks on “Towards Technological Development.”

This is the 10th chapter of the 32-part video series “The Montana Ethic Project.” This chapter features Bob Rowe, president and CEO of NorthWestern Energy, speaking on the subject of “Towards Technological Development.”

You can watch the whole video below. Here is how it begins:

“To really understand Montana you have to understand the physical geography, the diversity of the place we live and our spirit of idealism.

“But you also have to understand the people who founded Montana, who created its communities, its culture, and its economy. Obviously starting with the First Nations people from whom we still benefit so much today. Add to that the immigrants from Northern European countries such as Yugoslavia, Germany, Ireland, one of my own grandfathers came from Cornwall. Add to that the Southern Europeans from Italy and elsewhere. The Chinese who came here, free slaves, former soldiers from both the Union and Confederate army, everyone coming here to pursue their own dream, top pursue opportunity, in creating the rich, diverse, culture that we see in so many of our towns. What we’ve inherited from them is just a tremendously rich culture and a diverse economy.”

Here is another, edited excerpt from Rowe’s presentation:

“You may have heard of the expression of the triple bottom line. That is the notion that a company really does its best when it is focused on economic sustainability, environmental responsibility, and on commitment to community. That is going to look different for every company and it is an area where that can be plenty of room for respectful disagreement about what the right direction and right balances are. But the idea of bringing together those three things: focused on service to our customer, being rigorous in what we do from a corporate control and finance perspective, and serious about our commitment to the environment is exactly where we want to be.”

PERC_Logo_MontanaEthicPERC—the Property & Environment Research Center—is a proud sponsor of the Montana Ethic Project. To learn how PERC’s ideas can help us honor one another’s rights to land, water, and wildlife, visit


First week: Project introduction.

Second week: Richard Drake on “Terrorism and the Consolation of History.”

Third week: Mike Gear on “The Value of Athletics.”

Fourth week: Franke Wilmer on “Gender Equity.”

Fifth week: Gordon Brittan: “The Founding Fathers.”

Sixth week: Jim Posewitz: “Montana Sportsmen and the Hunter’s Ethic.”

Seventh week: The Rev. Jessica Crist: “Religion and Politics: Can They Co-exist?”

Eighth week: Chuck Tooley: “The Montana Character.”

Ninth week: Steve Bullock: “Citizens United v. Montana.”

10th week: Carol Williams: “The Imperative for Female Government Participation.”

Next week: George Metcalfe: “Economic Development in Africa.”




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