Well, that car is definitely stopped


Ed Kemmick/Last Best News

A police officer moves in to get his own photo of this wreck at Cook Avenue and Seventh Avenue West.

I’m afraid I don’t have any actual news on this, but I thought the photo was interesting enough on its own.

I mean, whatever else the driver may have done wrong, he or she did stop, right? This was at Seventh Street West and Cook Avenue about 4:30 p.m. Monday. The strange thing is, I had been driving past the area around Eighth and Cook half an hour earlier and saw a firetruck and police car with lights flashing.

There appeared to have been two cars involved in an accident there, and a woman was being taken away on a gurney. Then I saw this weird scene with the stop sign at Cook and Seventh. And then, after I had taken a few photos, I kept going on Seventh to Broadwater Avenue, only to see yet another police car, this one blocking traffic from proceeding west on Broadwater because there was yet another accident at Eighth and Broadwater.

I’m hoping the Gazette will have some details tomorrow. I’ve been too busy even to think of calling the coppers myself. I just went to the Gazette to see if it had anything yet, and noticed a story headlined: “Traffic engineers looking to improve safety of Billings streets, interestions.”

It had nothing to do with the spate of accidents I saw. But let’s hope those engineers make those “interestions” safer. In the meantime, people, be careful out there!



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