Former Billings athlete shatters beer-mile record


Kimbrough with friend Andy Bitner.

Chris Kimbrough, formerly a star athlete at Billings Senior High and Rocky Mountain College, has done us proud.

Last week, she set a new women’s beer-mile world record with a time of 6:28.6 in her first attempt at the event. That means she ran four laps around a track, having drunk a beer before each lap. She shaved 13 seconds off the old record.

Did we mention that she is 44 years old and has six children? There’s much more information in this article and this video, but here are some of the questions I’m sure you want answered right now:

Her beer: Alteration Ale, made by the Hops and Grain Brewery in Austin, Texas, where she lives now.

Alcohol content of the beer: 5.1 percent.

What she learned: “I think learning how to get the burp out more before you get to that next beer would probably help.”

Here’s one more interesting piece, an interview with Kimbrough in 2008, conducted by the Gazette’s Bill Bighaus.



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