So-called scientists need to get their ducks in a row

I hope you all saw the brilliant letter to the editor in the Gazette this morning. It was a masterpiece — clever, sarcastic and absolutely irrefutable. And short. So short I’ll just reprint it, rather than linking to it:

“I see the United Nations is backing another summit on climate change. I wish the alarmists would make up their minds. In the 1960s and 1970s, ‘science’ determined that man-caused global cooling was about to spell the end of the planet and mankind. For several years now, man-caused global warming is being touted as our doom. Alarmists, which ‘scientific’ truth is it? I would really like to know. I’ve got plans to make!”

I salute the writer, Clyde Tippets, of Billings! I so admired his letter that I have written one of my own, which I will send to the Gazette today:

“I see that people are talking again about how the Earth revolves around the sun. I wish our ‘scientists’ could make up their minds about this. For many centuries, these people solemnly assured us that the Earth was the center of the universe. Now, ‘the vast majority of scientists’ are asking to believe in an entirely different concept. Please, gentlemen (and ladies!), let us know which ‘truth’ we are supposed to believe.”



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