Neglected 1960s finally get some attention

Most of the television I watch is at the Y, from an elliptical machine, with no sound on the TV, just close captioning. I know that doesn’t qualify me as a television critic, but I saw two things yesterday that cried out for comment.

One was that CNN was advertising a new 10-part documentary series on the 1960s. Thank goodness! Finally, the forgotten decade is going to get some exposure.

I was born in 1955 and so technically lived through the 1960s, but I can’t remember anything that happened then. I was too busy being a boy. But still, I hope the folks at CNN do some solid research because no matter how boring and uneventful that decade might have been, the archives are bound to cough up something halfway interesting.

Maybe they’ll even find some film footage of events that happened during that obscure era. I can’t wait to see if they manage to scrape something up.

The other thing that caught my eye was this: on FOX News, a talking head was interviewing the chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, and she prefaced one of her questions with a statement that went something like this: “I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m married to a military veteran.”

Pandering? Disgusting? Despicable? Laughable? Appalling? I suggest, you decide.





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