Class-A characters enliven Idaho election season


A GOP gubernatorial debate in Idaho featured the biker and the old prospector.

The entertainment value of Montana politics is at rock bottom this election year.

Matt Rosendale is shooting down drones and Drew Turiano is courting the Ku Klux Klan vote, but these U.S. House candidates are more alarming than entertaining.

How much more fortunate are the people of Idaho. Here’s the headline The Week put on top of a story out of the potato state: “Leather-clad, semi-toothless biker steals the show in Idaho gubernatorial debate.”

And here’s the first sentence of the story: “The above headline may be untrue, but only because a home-schoolin’, anti-abortion crusader who looks like an 1800s gold prospector was also part of the debate. Bear with me.”

Even if you’re busy, you owe it to yourself to check out the video. Just fast-forward through the cliches of incumbent Gov. Butch Otter and the scripted fulminations of Tea Party challenger Russ Fulcher.

Every time you see a barrel-chested guy in a black leather vest (Harley Brown) or an old codger with a long white beard and a Montgomery Ward work shirt (Walt Bayes), go ahead and feast your peepers for a few minutes.

You’d have to go back to 2002 — when a U.S. Senate candidate from Montana turned blue from ingesting too much pure silver — to begin competing with Idaho this year, but even the blue man was no match for the biker and the prospector. Color me jealous.




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