Good recognition for a Red Lodge entrepreneur


Gary and Kathy Robson

The Christian Science Monitor has an interesting story on Red Lodge bookstore owner Gary Robson, a former computer programmer, author of a popular series of kids books and a knowledgeable vendor of cigars and tea as well as books.

The Monitor reports that he has started two Pinterest group boards for the purpose of sharing in-store display ideas among bookstore owners, and one of the boards already has more than 300 followers.

Gary and his wife Kathy, the owners of Red Lodge Books & Tea, epitomize the kind of local business owners who make a place like Red Lodge unique. Every mom-and-pop operation in Red Lodge competes to some extent with the big-box, dark-star stores in Billings. People like Gary and Kathy have to work extra hard and be extra creative to bring people in and give them the incentive to come back.

It’s great to see this kind of recognition in a newspaper with national circulation. Check out the store online and then stop in next time you’re in Red Lodge.




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