Extenuating circumstances cited in Priest case

Editor’s note: This email came over the transom on Friday, after Last Best News published the charging documents in the Jason Priest assault case. We see no reason not to share this email with our readers:

Hello Ed,

There may be extenuating circumstances affecting Mr. Priest’s outrageous behavior. Unknown to you, I suspect, is the fact that Billings has been experiencing some of the highest levels of radiation found in the US at this time. Billings regularly shows levels that exceed 600 counts per minute. One-hundred counts per minute is considered the upper limit of ‘safety’.

Significant amounts of the radiation is, I believe, originating in Fukushima, Japan.

Visit netc.com to confirm. Also visit http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/500hPa/orthographic=219.09,38.05,387to see real time jet stream movement from west to east.

Radioisotopes have a demonstrated connection with loss of cognitive function and/or episodes of rage. Note the rash of major air carrier pilots landing at the wrong destination. While it has not yet been formally connected, I believe many of the so-called air-rage incidents on airliners originate in exposure to high levels of radiation. It is well known that at cruising altitude crew and passengers are exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation. Now, as a result of Fukushima, the added burden of natural and manmade radiation is tipping some people over the edge, I suspect.

Mr. Priest may be a victim of this exposure. Yet according to normalcy bias it is unlikely that this explanation will figure in the disposition of his case. This is regrettable because the numbers don’t lie but if people are unaware of the consequences of radiation, Mr. Priest’s behavior will only be seen through a one-dimensional lens.

Douglas Yates
Ester, Alaska

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