Montanans Ride Horses Everywhere (including to school)
Hi Everyone from out of state.
I’m from Montana and yes I ride a horse to school. Glad you asked. In fact I ride a horse everywhere I go. Seriously. Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvverywherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre. So does everyone in Montana. Some people don’t even have cars. Just horses. Don’t like it? Tough.
In Montana, you can’t go into a gas station without seeing a guy riding a horse.
Some people just send the horse in to pick up snacks while they wait in the car.
This person had to go to Walmart. Did they ride their horse? Yup!
41 miles to Hamilton. Should I take the horse? You betcha!
Some people park their horses outside of the bar,
And others ride them right in.
Horse in Montana love tacos.
Really, really love em.
Does Wendy’s serve tacos? This horse thinks so.
This horse is getting walked by a truck.
This horse is RIDING a truck.
Let’s go for a swim, horse. Don’t be bashful…the water is great!
Time for some coffee!
No one is riding this little fella. He doesn’t care tho…he has his post!
So if you’re from out of state, and can’t handle a horse, your best move is to avoid Montana. You can’t go ANYWHERE without a horse in Big Sky country.
Be sure to check us – “oh, you’re from Montana?” – out on FB. We post all the dumb questions people Montanans get asked. And let’s all help the guys at the Montana Mint keep the lights on by buying some Montana made gear from their store. I have one of the BEER shirts. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!