The Best Twitter Reactions to Our April Fools Joke
At around 8:30 pm on April 1, 2014, the Montana Mint posted a fake article about the Real World filming its 30th season in Bozeman and that the house members would form a volunteer fire department. We’ve embedded the best twitter reactions below. Checkout the original post and the hilarious comment reactions on our Facebook page (which we cannot embed). Overall, Montanans were not pleased, and we couldn’t be prouder.
The tweet that kicked things off.
It’s official: @realworldmtv is coming to Bozeman, MT
— Montana Mint (@montana_mint) April 2, 2014
The reactions were immediate
Fighting forest fires? RT @montana_mint: God Help Us, The Real World is Coming to Bozeman — jhwygirl (@jhwygirl) April 2, 2014
Always been my dream to be on this show. RT @MontanaParlay: Have you guys seen this? Real World is coming to Bozeman. — McLovin (@McLovin1019) April 2, 2014
Apparently real world is coming to bozeman. @MTV if I see one camera in this beautiful town I will do anything to stop the filming. — Jacob Turner (@TurnBurn78) April 2, 2014
The Real World coming to Bozeman?.. #GoodLord — McKinzie Horton (@kinziehorton) April 2, 2014
MTV is shooting Season 30 of The Real World in Bozeman, MT, where participants will form a voluntary fire dept. to fight forest fires. #wut
— D Bowen (@mynameisaletter) April 2, 2014
— blair (@_bwalters) April 2, 2014
HAHA the Real World is gonna be filmed in Bozeman, Montana for the 30th season. Lololololol why #wth #TRW — Olivia Bernard (@Oface7) April 2, 2014
OMG the Real World is coming to Bozeman, MT. I may be a griz but expect to see me over there trying to get my 15 minutes of fame — Sheridan Delzer (@sheridankdelzer) April 2, 2014
Screw This: RT @montana_mint: It’s official: @realworldmtv is coming to Bozeman, MT — Jake Jest (@inapropriate4FB) April 2, 2014
To be fair, some alert Montanans were on to us.
This is an April Fool’s joke I hope?!?! I almost barfed on my phone. God Help Us, The Real World is Coming to Bozeman
— Zach Nell (@Zach_w4it_Nell) April 2, 2014
MTV Montana Real World is coming to Bozeman… It was hard to tell if this was a joke because the press release…
— Livingston Chamber (@visitlivingston) April 2, 2014
As a thank you for putting up with our prank and being good sports, we compiled a video of Montanans realizing it was all a joke. You can watch it here.
(seriously. sometimes it’s too easy)