Debuting the Greatest Website North of Wyoming
For over a year, all of us here at the Montana Mint have worked hard to bring the best of Montana to Facebook and Twitter. Today we launch a full website, and we’re super, super, super pumped. Let us know what you think and be sure to tell a friend (as long as your friend is from the great state of Montana).
The Montana Mint has a simple mission: Bring the best of Montana to the internet.
We do this by sharing lots of original content, gorgeous photos, and stories we think you’ll be interested in. And we highlight Montana businesses and Montana made products (like our BEER shirt). Our mission is ever evolving, but here are some of our guiding principles.
We want to encourage Montana’s creative side
If you’re a writer, photographer, or videographer interested in contributing to the Mint, or if you’re a business looking to feature your Montana made product, send us a note.
We want to add value to the Montana media.
Montanans are blessed to have a number of daily newspapers that provide some of the best local news coverage in the country. But because of our state’s small population and the systemic problems facing print media, Montana newspapers often find themselves lacking for resources. Therefore, we invite these Montana organizations to use our original written content free of charge for their print editions. Just put “author name from” as the byline and give us a heads up via email.
We are also proud to highlight many fine Montana photographers. If you’d like to use any photos you find on our website, please contact the photographer directly or email us at and we’ll put you in touch.
And we want to give proper credit.
Our web presence relies heavily on user submitted content and we are bound to make mistakes. If you see us post something to which you own the rights, please contact us. We will work with you to quickly remedy the situation. To contact us, click here.
We want this site to be inclusive
Politics is inherently divisive, and we will avoid it on this site. That doesn’t mean we won’t poke fun at Montana politicians who “accidently” like pictures of giant breasts on facebook or who drunkinly fall of their horses in foreign countries. It just means there is no political agenda behind it. Additionally, we here at the Mint share with many Montanans a strong belief that we should “live and let live.” This means we won’t shy away from discussing individuals (including politicians) infringing upon the Montana way… like this guy, for example.